CII’s Food and Agriculture Centre of Excellence (FACE) is charged with the mission to improve competitiveness of India’s agriculture and food processing sector, by catalyzing innovation, building capacity, enhancing productivity, and establishing supply chain linkages across the agriculture and food value chain, ensuring food security and inclusive growth.

Over the last 10 years FACE has worked closely with farmers, private sector, developmental institutions, and the Government towards building efficiencies across the supply chain, right from the farm gate to the end consumer. With a team of 30 domain experts FACE has established itself as a credible knowledge resource in the agriculture and food domain.

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CII’s Food and Agriculture Centre of Excellence (FACE) is charged with the mission to improve the competitiveness of India’s agriculture and food processing sector, by catalyzing innovation, building capacity, enhancing productivity, and establishing supply chain linkages across the agriculture and food value chain, ensuring food security and inclusive growth.

Over the last 10 years, FACE has worked closely with farmers, the private sector, developmental institutions, and the Government towards building efficiencies across the supply chain, right from the farm gate to the end consumer. With a team of 30 domain experts FACE has established itself as a credible knowledge resource in the agriculture and food domain.

FACE actively contributes to the ongoing policy dialogue related to agriculture and food- security concerns with a robust footprint of evidence-based policy research across Center and state government. The research portfolio is further strengthened by consultancy projects around program evaluation, impact studies as well as commodity-specific value chain assessments for the government as well as the private sector.

Through its integrated approach of action-oriented programs and capacity-building initiatives, while leveraging technology and innovation, the center addresses the issues from the farm gate to the consumer end. FACE has developed a robust portfolio of capacity building, training, and consultancy initiatives that includes training under Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), post-harvest as well as the food safety and quality domain. Given the pool of trained assessors, FACE is impaneled as a training partner under the Food Safety Training and Certification (FOSTAC) program of FSSAI.

FACE is also actively engaged in promoting healthier sustainable diets to ensure food and nutrition security through a multi-sectoral approach and is working towards creating an innovative ecosystem by generating healthier food choices for all segments of the population.

Catalyzing investment across the Agri and food value chain is another focus area under FACE. The segments being prioritized include Agri infrastructure, food processing, dairy, and fisheries where FACE is looking at ‘enhancing the ease of doing business’; convergence with government schemes, PPP to develop agribusiness models that are scalable and replicable across geographies as well as facilitating international funding.

Towards expanding and diversifying its services portfolio as well as disseminating best practices FACE over the past 3 years has launched a host of Resource centers. These cover diverse segments such as Farmer Producer Organizations, Agri Start-ups, Cold chain & logistics, Nutraceuticals and Health Supplements, Food safety, and food security amongst others.

FACE has been working closely with Ministries and Government agencies viz Ministry of Agriculture, NITI Aayog, National Centre for Cold Chain Management (NCCD), Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI), Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA), GS1 India, Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI) and National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management (NIFTEM).

Further FACE has forged several partnerships with International organizations viz GIZ, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF), Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN), The International Spirits & Wines Association of India (ISWAI) and the international Alliance of Dietary/ Food Supplement Associations (IADSA).

FACE is also working in close cooperation with other Centres of Excellence in CII to establish partnerships with similar organizations/institutions globally for maximum effectiveness.

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Position FACE as the premier institution in Food and Agriculture across the Country

Leading institution/ partner in contributing to the agenda of increasing farmer incomes

Resource Centre for Farmer Producer Organizations

Leading institution in driving reduction in post-harvest losses in the agriculture value chain

Premier incubation eco system for Advanced/ Next Gen Agriculture technologies

Leading resource Centre for driving food safety and nutrition in the food processing sector

Lead partner of the Food Safety Authority in developing standards and capacity building

Lead partner of the Food Safety Authority in developing standards and capacity building


CII-FACE works closely with farmers, companies, developmental institutions, and the government with the following objectives:

Improving on and off-farm productivity

through the introduction and dissemination of global best practices and technological innovation.

Improving global competitiveness of India’s agriculture

by investing in capacity building initiatives and skill development for supply chain participants across the value chain.

Strengthening linkages across the agriculture and food value chain

with an objective of reducing spoilage, increasing value addition and enhancing farmer incomes.

People @FACE

Kavery Ganguly
Principal Lead
  • Food and Agriculture, Policy and Programs
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Principal Lead
Kavery has 18 years of professional experience in the area of agriculture and food policy research and advocacy. She has worked with leading global and national thinktanks – IFPRI, ICRIER, NCAER, in managerial as well as lead program and strategy roles. She has also worked as short-term consultant with ADB, UNU-WIDER & Cornell University.

During her professional career, she has worked on research projects focusing on policy issues related to agricultural markets, food and nutrition, and innovations. In her lead roles, she co-created platforms on agri innovation, and nutrition alliance. Stakeholder engagement and fund mobilization have been integral to her portfolio. With hands on experience in analytics and strong connect with on ground stakeholders, she has been working in the policy advocacy arena. Kavery has authored/co-authored peer review articles, reports, and media articles. She has co-edited a book on agricultural value chains published by Springer in 2022.
Atreyee Talapatra
Head – Special Projects
  • Tractor and Mechanization Association
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Head – Special Projects
Atreyee Talapatra is the Secretary for the Tractor and Mechanization Association. She steers the association towards creating conducive policy platforms that aims to transform the Indian Farm Mechanization industry into a self – reliant agricultural economy.

Atreyee has been with CII for more than a decade handling very large initiatives like Make in India, Regulatory and Corporate Governance and the Services sector. She has engaged extensively with several Central Ministries, State Governments, Foreign and Indian Missions.
Manish Whorra
  • Investment Facilitation
  • Food Processing
  • Dairy, Poultry & Fisheries
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Manish Whorra is a Post Graduate, who studied Business Management, prior to completing a MS in Consultancy Management from the Birla Institute of Technology & Sciences (BITS), Pilani. He is a Professional member of Consultancy Development Centre (CDC) and the All India Management Association (AIMA), New Delhi

He has been with CII since the last more than 23 years, engaged in various initiatives and programmes for the SMEs, within India and abroad. At FACE, currently he is engaged in policy advocacy with Government at both center and state level as well as coordinating the secretariat for the CII National Food Processing committee and the CII National Committee on Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairy and driving key investment facilitation and market access initiatives
Neha Aggarwal
  • Food regulations
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Neha Aggarwal had done her Master’s in Information Technology from Manipal University and graduated in commerce stream from Delhi University. She has been with CII since the last 17 years and working in different streams and majorly in Food Regulation domain.

Handling Food Regulatory aspects, as part of her work at FACE involves evidence-based policy advocacy with Government at both the center and state level. She closely works with FSSAI, BIS & Legal Metrology on Food related Regulations/ Standards domestically and internationally.
Roli Pande
  • Agriculture
  • Agtechnology
  • Farmer Producer Organizations
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Roli Pande is an MBA-Agri Business Management from MANAGE, Hyderabad and a graduate in Agriculture from GB Pant University of Agriculture & Technology. She has been with CII since the last 10+ years working in the agriculture domain.

Roli’s role involves evidence-based policy advocacy with Government at both the center and state level. She is also deeply involved in the research portfolio and has contributed to agri specific research reports at FACE. She is also handling the CII Farmer Producer Company program deployment.
Ruchika Bhatia
Senior Manager
  • Food and Agriculture
  • Management , Administration 
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Senior Manager
Ruchika has been working with CII for the past 10+ years. At CII FACE she is responsible for administration, managing department’s finances and assisting the Executive Director, FACE.
Sapna Bisht 
Executive Officer
  • Finance
Executive Officer
A V Rajamany
Deputy Director
  • Allied sector – Dairy, Fisheries, Poultry & Meat
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Deputy Director
Rajamany holds a diploma in computer applications and a graduate in Maths. She has been with CII for the last 25 years.

At FACE, she is handling the Agri Allied sectors covering Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying. Her core work involves engagement with various stakeholders viz. national and state-level government, farmers, agri & food industry leaders, technology and service providers, financiers, and various multilateral agencies to work to towards boosting the growth of Agri Allied sectors.

She has also extensive experience in working with the International Department of CII focused on enhancement of bilateral relations between India and ASEAN, Asia Pacific countries and in expanding business opportunities for Industry through a range of specialized networking events and global linkages.
Divya R
Executive Officer
  • Tractors Mechanisation Association
Executive Officer
Hitesh Awasthi
Deputy Director
  • Animal Agriculture – Dairy, Fisheries, Poultry & Meat
Deputy Director
Kritika Adesh Gadpayle
Deputy Director 
  • Agriculture
Deputy Director
Pragya Joshi
Associate Counsellor
  • Animal Agriculture – Dairy, Fisheries, Poultry & Meat
Associate Counsellor
Pavan Kumar Veeragandham
  • Agriculture
  • Agtech
Rashmi Saini
Senior Associate
  •  Farmer Producer Organizations 
  • Cold Chain
Senior Associate
Syed Farooq Hasan
  • Animal Agriculture – Dairy, Fisheries, Poultry & Meat
Joy Das
Deputy Director
  • Research and Policy Advocacy
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Deputy Director
Dr. Joy Das is an Indian economist who moved back to India from the United States and joined the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) as Deputy Director of Policy and Advocacy in Jubilant Bhartia Food and Agriculture Centre of Excellence (FACE) in January 2025. Das has taught at Cornell University (CU), Louisiana State University (LSU), worked with Think Tanks and Crypto Industry in the United States since 2014. He was a Postdoctoral Associate at the School of Industrial and Labor Relations (ILR), Cornell University, USA. Das has a Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics and M.S. in Renewable Natural Resources from Louisiana State University, USA. Before moving to the US, Das had completed his bachelor's and master’s in economics from Jadavpur University, India. Das has made major scholarly contributions to international trade theory, agricultural policy, new institutional economics and industrial organization. He has presented his works at many renowned international conferences including the American Economic Association and the World Bank and published in peer-reviewed journals. His return to India signifies his dedication to leveraging his global expertise in the development of Indian economic policies and strengthening the nation’s economic landscape."
Indrani Ghose
Strategic Advisor
  • Food Safety, Quality 
  •  Clusters
  • National Resource Person FSSAI 
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Strategic Advisor
Dr Indrani Ghose, Strategic Advisor, Food Safety and Quality of CII's Food and Agriculture Centre of Excellence, is a National Level Resource Person for Food Safety and Standards Authority of India's (FSSAI)'s Food Safety Training and Certification Program (FoSTaC) in the Manufacturing, Catering and Bakery sectors.

One of her key focus areas is the design, development and continual improvement of the unique CII Food Safety Maturity Model and institutionalized CII Award Program for Food Safety in the Indian Industry since 2010. Indrani has also facilitated successful introduction of the Cluster Approach in Indian Food Processing units for implementing HACCP and global standards of Food Safety Management Systems using TQM tools and techniques. She works extensively on establishing Global and National collaborative networks for promoting best practices , developing and deploying new Services and promoting Capacity building and Science behind Food Safety and Quality across the country in both the organized and informal sector.
Anju Bist
Senior Manager
  • Food Safety & Quality
  • Business Development
Senior Manager
Abhijit Ganguly
  • Food Safety and Quality
  • Microbiology
Pawan Kumar Pareek
  • Food Safety & Quality
  • Antimicrobial R & D (Herbal and small molecules)
  • Health Supplements and Nutraceuticals
Sam Thomas John
  • Food Safety & Quality
Sohini Roy
  • Food Safety & Quality
Debanjana Majumdar
  • Food Safety and Quality
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Debanjana has completed her UG in Food Science and Nutrition Management from Jadavpur University, Kolkata. She has completed her PG in Nutrition & Dietetics specializing in Food Safety and Quality Management from Symbiosis International University, Pune. She is having internship experience at The Healthy Binge (True AgroRoots Pvt. Ltd.), NAFARI (National Agriculture and Food Analysis and Research Institute) and Narayana Superspeciality Hospital with experience in the domain of Food Safety and Nutrition. She is also a classical dancer with expertise in Odissi, Bharatnatyam, Kathak, and Rabindranritya. 
Shailly Jain
  • Food Regulatory
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Shailly Jain is a dedicated professional with a Master’s degree in Nutrition from the University of Delhi. With over 3 years of experience in the food manufacturing sector, she has honed her expertise in food regulations, safety, and quality assurance. At FACE, she is currently working for policy advocacy and various capacity building initiatives to develop deeper understanding of food regulations among stakeholders. Her comprehension of both national and international food regulations ensures that she brings excellence to her work.
Bhanvi Grover
  • Nutrition
Richa Chitgopekar
  • Nutrition
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Richa has done her MBA from MDI Gurgaon and Masters in Gastronomy (Food Studies) from Boston University. In her current role at FACE she is a part of the team working on various interventions for promoting healthier sustainable diets and helping people make healthier food choices. This involves working with institutions in different sectors to understand the nutrition challenges of different categories of workers and design customized interventions that can be implemented at a scale. Her professional interests are sociology of food, health & nutrition behavior and intersection of food & culture. She has written for leading magazines on food and culture.
Rashid Naski
Program Manager
  • Dairy Investment Accelerator
Program Manager

About CII

The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) works to create and sustain an environment conducive to the development of India, partnering with Industry, Government, and civil society, through advisory and consultative processes.

CII is a non-government, not-for-profit, industry-led, and industry-managed organization, with over 9000 members from the private as well as public sectors, including SMEs and MNCs, and an indirect membership of over 300,000 enterprises from 294 national and regional sectoral industry bodies.

For more than 125 years, CII has been engaged in shaping India’s development journey and works proactively on transforming Indian Industry’s engagement in national development. CII charts change by working closely with Government on policy issues, interfacing with thought leaders, and enhancing efficiency, competitiveness, and business opportunities for industry through a range of specialized services and strategic global linkages. It also provides a platform for consensus-building and networking on key issues.

Extending its agenda beyond business, CII assists the industry to identify and execute corporate citizenship programs. Partnerships with civil society organizations carry forward corporate initiatives for integrated and inclusive development across perse domains including affirmative action, livelihoods, persity management, skill development, empowerment of women, and sustainable development, to name a few.

As India marches towards its 75th year of Independence in 2022, CII, with the Theme for 2021-22 as Building India for a New World: Competitiveness, Growth, Sustainability, Technology, rededicates itself to meeting the aspirations of citizens for a morally, economically and technologically advanced country in partnership with the Government, Industry and all stakeholders.

With 62 offices, including 10 Centres of Excellence, in India, and 8 overseas offices in Australia, Egypt, Germany, Indonesia, Singapore, UAE, UK, and the USA, as well as institutional partnerships with 394 counterpart organizations in 133 countries, CII serves as a reference point for Indian industry and the international business community.

Confederation of Indian Industry
The Mantosh Sondhi Centre
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