One Health is an approach which recognizes that animal health, human health, and environment are inextricably connected. Preventing diseases from spreading from wildlife to livestock and humans, as well as early detection and control of these diseases in livestock, could prevent human pandemics and mitigate the devastating consequences of AMR. Operationalising a One Health approach requires leveraging the cooperation and strengths of diverse sectors – both public and private – including livestock, human health, wildlife, environment, technology and finance to develop solutions to these local, national and global challenges. With the ultimate aim of establishing and implementing the One Health approach to leverage human capital and physical capital spread across the departments and ministries towards preparedness to prevent future epidemics and pandemics, CII is engaged as the Project Management Agency for the Government of India’s Department of Animal Husbandry and Dairying to effectively mount a collaborative and coordinated response for developing India's National One Health Support Unit at the Federal and State Levels’