CII B20 Dialogue on Digital transformation in agriculture towards enhancing food security and nutrition of the global family New Delhi (India) | March 2023
As part of India’s G20 presidency, “Technology and Digitalization for Agricultural Transformation” is prioritized as an area that has the potential to bring structural transformation. To facilitate a dialogue between G20 countries on the agenda CII proposes to organize the CII B20 Dialogue on “Digital transformation in agriculture towards enhancing food security and nutrition of the global family” in Feb 2023. The objective will be to identify,
- Global challenges and opportunities for digital transformation of agriculture
- Share best practices around open access agriculture data platform
- Share new and emerging technologies in agriculture & food processing
- Create a frame work for enhanced cooperation between stakeholders globally
Global Dialogue on Food Systems Transformation New Delhi (India) | April 2023
As India assumes the G20 presidency, it has a huge opportunity to call on the global leadership to foster international cooperation in prioritizing and integrating “Food System Transformation” as an area in the G20 mandate. This will require G20 nations to come together on the need to find ways to transform the food system globally and move from ideas to implementation. As the B20 secretariat, CII proposes to organize and facilitate a Global Dialogue on “Food Systems Transformation” in March 2023. The objective will be to 1. Engage industry stakeholders in G20 countries to shape the future of food systems, 2. Showcase implementation models for food system transformation, and 3. Build and support collaborative networks and partnerships for food system transformation in India and connect them to global networks and coalitions